What we believe in?
Our Expression of love to God
We express our love for God through:
As a church, we aim to:
• Establish our mission upon Worship, Prayer and the Scriptures
• Spread the Gospel message in order to bring people to faith
• Be envoys for Christ, doing as He would do within society
• Nurture and encourage those who seek and/or find faith
• Love and care for one another and those in need
• Live as a church community of believing practising Christians
• Prepare the church community for life in an integrated society
St Barnabas United Church is a growing, family oriented, inclusive community of God’s people who celebrate the Love of Jesus and the Glory of God in our worship, fellowship and increase in the knowledge of His Word.
We believe in God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe that He is Lord of all, that he lives in a Covenant relationship with humanity, promising never to forsake them, establishing a pattern of Laws by which they should live, and ultimately expressing that Covenant in the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe that He wills all people to come to a point of faith in Jesus as the One who saves them and the world from the consequences of sin, thereby reconciling them to Himself, preserving their souls for eternal life.
We believe that He wants all His creatures to enthrone Him as Lord, that He calls all who believe in Jesus to respond by covenanting with Him in personal discipleship and in The Church.
We believe that only by the work of the Holy Spirit can we come to faith, acknowledging Christ’s Lordship, respond with discipleship and be motivated and equipped to be The Church.
We believe that living under His Lordship and in the power of the Holy Spirit means changed personal lives and thereby a changed community, where God’s qualities of love, truth, forgiveness, justice and peace are clearly reflected, that God regards no people as superior to others, and therefore that those who submit to His Lordship must strive to transcend humanity’s historic divisions of race, wealth, education, language, age and sex and live as a community of those so reconciled to God that they are unavoidably reconciled to each other.
We believe that it is our task not only to live under the Lordship of Christ ourselves, but also to proclaim it to the world, so that all may believe in God and love one another in obedience to the two greatest commandments.
Celebrate God’s Presence
Communicate God’s Word
Educate God’s People
Demonstrate God’s Love
Enjoy God’s Family
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