Connecting with God’s Word outside of Sunday service is an important part of development in every believer’s walk with Christ. Our group bible study is hosted weekly, every Thursday from 10h00am – 11h00am. Various home cell groups also take place weekly and are well supported by the congregation. For further details on how you can get connected, please pop us a message.
The Pastoral Care Support Group supports the needs of members of the congregation
through means of compassion, offering counselling, interventions for families, couples,
youth, those who are unemployed, those challenged with addiction and those in distress.
This area of ministry also attends to home and hospital visitation, connecting with
congregation members, grief support for those who have experienced loss, daily prayer and encouragement as well as providing flowers for our Sunday services each week.
St Barnabas United Junior Church provides vital foundational tools for our children and youth
through Sunday School, Confirmation Classes and our Youth Programme. The dedicated
team ensures that children progress through life’s phases with godly support to enable them
to become active, responsible adults with a heart for service unto God and others
If you would like to find out more info or contact one of our Junior Church Leaders before
joining us on a Sunday, drop us an email below. We’d love to chat.
Each year a number of charity organisations are identified by St Barnabas United Church and invited to receive donations and contributions. The Mission Expressions ministry supports these charities, through various initiatives such as The DORCAS Project and The St Barnabas United Church Soup Kitchen, throughout the year with the aim of meeting the needs of the elderly, those who are without homes, warmth, food, family and resources. Activities within this ministry include charity drives, collections, home visits, sharing gifts, events for entertainment etc.
Praise and worship are integral parts of service and worship unto God through song. St Barnabas United Church Choir comprises dedicated members from the church who usher the congregation into a time of praise and worship in our Sunday services as well as render special items on communion Sundays, special events, inductions and around the celebration of Easter and Christmas.
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